How to Convert an Estimate to an Invoice in QuickBooks
Unless you're very fortunate, odds are good that a number of other businesses offer products or services just like those given by your company. Consequently, your web visitors may check around a little and ask for estimates before you make one last purchasing decision. Once you create an estimate, being able to convert it to an invoice quickly lets you avoid repetitive data entry and reduces waiting time for the customer. With QuickBooks, creating an invoice from an existing estimate requires only a few clicks of the mouse.
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Preparing to produce Estimates
Step 1
Launch QuickBooks and log in as an administrator. Click "Edit" from the menu bar, then click "Preferences" regarding the slide-out menu.
Step 2
Click "Jobs & Estimates" into the Preferences window.
Step Three
Click the "Company Preferences" tab, then click "Yes" next to the "can you create estimates?" option. Click on the "OK" button to save lots of the changes.
Create an Estimate
Step One
Click "Customers" in the menu bar, then click "Create Estimates."
Step Two
Select the customer with the "Customer" drop-down button or enter the name and address information manually.
Step 3
Enter line items into the estimate in the same way you would when making a normal invoice or receipt.
Step 4
Click "Save" regarding the toolbar to truly save the estimate.
Convert Estimate to Invoice
Step 1
Click "Customer Center" on the toolbar, then click the "Customers & Jobs" tab.
Step Two
Click on the name associated with customer for that you created the estimate. Click the "Show" button, then click "Estimates."
Step 3
Double-click the estimate you created for the client. The estimate opens in the QuickBooks window.
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Step 4
Click the "Create Invoice" button at the top of the estimate form. QuickBooks converts the estimate and displays the consumer information and line items in a new invoice window. Edit the invoice line items as needed.
Step 5
Click the "Print" button to print the invoice immediately. Alternatively, allow the "To be printed" check box to print the invoice in a batch with other people later.
Step 6
Click "Save" to truly save the invoice.