Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information From A Restored Backup In QuickBooks
You should use the following steps to back up your Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information deployment. Specifically, these steps describe just how to recover a clone of a server from a collection of backup data and assets.
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Note: The backup process may take quite a while to operate. Since hardly any other jobs could be run while backup is running, we advice which you run backup during non-business hours.
Backup data types
There are two main types of backup data that Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information can generate. We advice performing regular backups of every key in case you have to restore a server in a recovery scenario:
Data managed by Tableau Server: is made from the Tableau PostgreSQL database or repository and File Store, which contains workbook and user metadata, data extract files, and site configuration data. By using TSM to produce a backup, all of this data is saved in a single file with a .tsbak extension. This information is backed up with the tsm maintenance backup command.
Note: When File Store is configured external to revive Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information you simply cannot make use of the tsm maintenance backup command to backup Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information Data. To learn more about simple tips to backup this data, see Backup and Restore with External File Store.
You are able to only restore from a backup that has the same sort of identity store given that running server. For instance, a backup from a server using local authentication can be restored to a Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information initialized with local authentication, but a backup from a server using Active Directory authentication can not be restored to a server initialized with local authentication.
Configuration and Topology data: includes most of the server configuration information needed to fully recover a server. SMTP, alerting, some authentication assets, are typical types of configuration data that are exportable for backup. Topology data defines how your Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information processes are configured both in single-server and multiple node deployments. Configuration and topology information is backed up utilizing the tsm settings export command.
Note: you can easily change the file path utilized by the tsm maintenance backup command through the default value. For more information, see tsm File Paths.
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Backup assets that need a manual process
Some configuration data is not within the tsm settings export command and must therefore be documented and restored manually. The following configuration data is excluded from the tsm settings export operation. Your backup maintenance process should include documenting listed here Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information configuration data:
System user accounts. Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information setup uses an unprivileged user account, NetworkService. This account can be used to access Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information resources. When you yourself have not changed this account, then you don't need to document it.
Coordination Service deployment configuration. If you're running a multinode cluster, document which nodes are running the Coordination Services process. To see process configuration on your nodes, run tsm topology list-nodes -v.
Customization settings. If for example the organization uses custom header or sign-in logos for Restore Missing Customized Templates, Logos And Information web pages, you need to include a copy of these assets together with your back up portfolio. See tsm customize.
Most authentication assets. Most certificate files, key files, keytab files or other authentication-related assets are not backed up by TSM. The are three exceptions:
The public certificate and private key when it comes to internal PostgreSQL database (if enabled) are backed up.
The certificate and key for external SSL are backed up and included in the configuration data.
The custom certificate installed by tsm security custom-cert add (if added) is backed up.
However, all the authentication-related assets are not backed up. For example, if you have enabled access to the PostgreSQL database using the tsm data-access repository-access enable command, be sure to document the name/password pairs for every single account you have configured. These credentials are not backed up. The certificate and key for mutual SSL are not included in the back up.
LDAP assets. Keytab files, configuration files, as well as other LDAP-related assets are not backed up by TSM.
Internal server secrets and repository passwords are crypto-related configurations that aren't exported. However, you don't need to document configuration values. New secrets may be created as part of the restoration process once you initialize this new instance.